Monday, June 25, 2007

Does Divorce and Depression Go Hand in Hand

Faye B. Reports

The stereotype that a man relishes trading his wife for a fast car or a younger woman has proven to be erroneous. In actual fact a new study has found that men appear to take separation much harder than women and divorce and depression seem to have a relationship in both men and women.

Both men and women have a higher risk of being depressed when they get divorced as compared to people who remain with their spouses, but men who are divorced or separated are six times more likely to report depression compared with men who remained married, while women are 3.5 times more likely to have bouts of depression than their counterparts who are still in relationships.

Michelle Rotermann, the author of the study, said she was surprised and also not surprised by the results. "On the one hand we know depression in general tends to be more common among women, but there is also a lot of evidence that shows that men have fewer social supports, and social supports do play an important part in the healing process".

There are other factors that accompany the end of a relationship that may also contribute to the experience of depression, such as life style changes, economic difficulties or changes in the number of children living in the home. The study did find however that such changes were not enough to account for depression levels, which remained higher even after the other possible factors were taken into consideration. The dissolution of the relationship remained the highest factor causing depression.

Depression enters quietly, grabs a firm hold, and changes the way we live our lives. A dark cloud of grief and obscurity settles in robbing us of all our joys, and life seems to have lost its meaning. Depression comes in the form of painful crisis when it comes to divorce and loss of your partner. Many feelings like grief, rejection, anger, hatred, pain, feeling of being left behind, loneliness and above all a broken heart can destabilize you completely. There is nothing that can quickly take your pain away. One has to work through to come out of this pain and bring about the real healing.

Getting a divorce causes grief very much like the grief experienced when a loved one dies. The emotions are similar and follow a like pattern including the associated depression. The best news is that depression can be cured. Discuss your divorce and depression with your doctor and together you can find the best treatment options.

Emotional and Spiritual Growth Following Divorce is Possible for Every Member of Your Family. Discover How to Heal Your Heart and Protect Your Loved Ones. Visit
Divorce and Your Family For more information to get you through your divorce Visit:
Tips to Starting Over

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Video To Help Children Cope With Divorce

This video might help your children with coping with divorce and make it a little easier to understand. Divorce is a painful and a very confusing time for everyone involved, especially children.
Using gentle humor, original music and a compelling storyline, Trevor Romain uses Skye's experience to give kids practical, helpful advice for dealing with the pain of divorce - such as knowing that it isn't their fault, they shouldn't take sides, don't hide their emotions and talking to friends can really help. After all, as Skye discovers, her parents aren't divorcing her - they love her! Enjoy!


Faye B Roberts offers a variety of information on dealing with divorce and the effects it has on your life. Visit: Divorce and Your family

Friday, June 15, 2007

Terminating a Marriage

Faye B. Roberts

A divorce is a method of terminating a marriage between a couple. There are very few things more painful than being told that your marriage is over, especially if it wasn't your idea.

Often the first reaction is to act in extreme ways, either by wanting to give in to all demands in hopes of changing your spouse’s mind, or by being too demanding to "make them pay". Extreme behavior can be very costly. Should you decide to fight where a fight is not legally warranted, you will line your lawyer’s pockets with money needed to represent you and likely will not gain enough profit from the fight.

On the other hand, if you give up everything because you are ready to leave the marriage immediately or because you think your spouse will come back to you, you risk coming out of the marriage with very few assets and the possibility of a lot of debt. Therefore the very first step you must take is to find a lawyer and discover what your rights are.

People terminating a marriage are faced with the task of dividing up the assets. You will be tempted to place high values on things that have a sentimental worth and on things that cost you or your spouse a lot when you bought them. But, the truth is, unless you have a valuable antique or a Van Gogh painting, your stuff will not have the value you think it should. That lovely vase may mean the world to you or to your spouse, but to a judge it is stuff that has a garage sale value.

When deciding what to fight for, remember that you may have a winning position in your trial, but your position may have serious financial side effects. The leather sofa you want at all costs may end up costing you thousands in attorney’s fees and court costs and could have been replaced for a few hundred dollars. Honestly, do you want to win stuff in a trial at a price that far exceeds the sale value?

If there are children of the marriage terminating it makes it harder and makes the divorce proceedings linger on. And you must keep in mind that you can divorce your spouse, but that person remains your child’s parent. Sometimes it is tempting to sever all ties, but you can't stop a child from loving or wanting a parent, and their needs must be taken into consideration. Whatever the lingering emotions involved after terminating a marriage, if you have children, your ex-spouse will always be a member of your family.

Recovering from a divorce is much like the grieving process one experiences when a loved one dies. It is a difficult process that can be very time consuming. Studies show that it may take as long as two years to fully recover. Terminating a marriage may be very difficult over a relatively short period, but living in a marriage that is not fulfilling can stifle you for the rest of your life.

Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher who has gone through a
divorce and has suffered the effects it has on the entire family. Find
out how to start enjoying your life again. Divorce and the Family
offers a simple solutions to a complex problem. For more info on
divorce visit:
Divorce and your Family
Tips for making new relationships work after divorce get this
Free Report

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Top 10 Reasons For Divorce: The Marriage Killers

I found this great article by Joseph J. Wood, who is also a professional researcher and author, and he has dramatically helped many experiencing or about to experience divorce through his writings. For this great information visit Top Ten Reasons for Divorce: The Marriage Killers


Faye B. Roberts

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pre Divorce Planning Helps Ease Stress

Faye B. Roberts

Learning how to protect yourself if you are considering divorce with a little pre divorce planning will help your divorce run more smoothly as well as providing you with extra protection. By spending a little time now in preparation can save a lot of money in legal fees.

Your Mail Box : Make a list of sender and return address and make a copy of the following revenue properties, insurance companies, stock brokers, credit issuers and banks. Set up new mail receiving system for your privacy as well as ensuring you will receive your mail. You could have it sent to friend of relative or set up a post office box. Remember to send out a change of address notice.

Know Your Family Finances:

1 Examine all monthly credit card statements, bank and brokerage statements, property information and assessments.
2 Be sure to review of all loan documents, mortgage applications, and financial statements.
3 Gather information from all pension plans for either yourself or your spouse.
4 Make copies of tax returns for the previous five years and of the taxation notice of assessment.

Know Your Assets:

1 Make a complete listing of any assets in your and your spouse's name both personal and business related. Note if the assets are jointly or individually owned and the source of the assets, if inherited, gifted, or in the name of a separate individual on your behalf. It is essential to indicate if the belongings were acquired before to or while married.
2 List and photograph the contents of your safety deposit box and know approximate value.

Know Your Liabilities: Make a comprehensive list of all debts or obligations. Recognize each debt, date it was incurred and the element for the debt. Recognize which party has been making the payments, as well as the monthly or yearly amounts.


1 If you have medical and dental coverage under your partners plan be sure to search for new coverage in the event of separation.
2 This is no time to be creating addition debt, making large purchases like a new car. Keep your belongings as liquid as you can.
3 Do not change, transfer, sign, or make a gift of any marital assets in both names.
4 If you are employed, stay employed. It is vital to secure your impending financial independence and earn enough to maintain assets such as your home and car.
5 Divorce or separation can causes immediate economic hardship. Buy traveler's checks or stash some cash in order to be able to purchase personal necessities in the event of a divorce.

Understand Insurance Policy's :

1 Have information about all insurance policies relating to the matrimonial residence furnishings, vehicles, jewelry, artwork, or other valuable. List the appraised value if possible.
2 Gather papers on any life insurance coverage that either parties have. This may be forgotten equity.

Other, But Important

1 Get copies of any wills or trust agreements that you presently have.

2 Never move of the family home without first discussing it with your lawyer.

Armed with this information on pre divorce planning you can be prepared in the event of a divorce. Being prepared for divorce will help take off a bit of the stress that divorcing can cause.
Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher and author on divorce. Emotional and spiritual growth following divorce is possible for every member of your family. Discover how to heal your heart and protect your loved ones. Visit
Divorce and Your Family
For tips on starting a new life after divorce get this

Free Report Now

Humor: To Lighten Your Day

I came across a bit of humor today and thought you could use a laugh, after all when going through a divorce is very stressful and a smile now and then will not hurt. You may even be able to relate.

This was in the classifieds:

For Sale
Wedding dress, size 12.
Worn once by Mistake.

Faye B. Roberts

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Etiquette and Other Divorce Court Information

Faye B. Roberts

Etiquette is important in every aspect of our lives, especially in Divorce Court. The etiquette you display in divorce court can have a huge impact on the outcome of your divorce settlement. Judges will look at all the evidence presented to them by both Attorneys before deciding a case, but actions can speak louder than the written word.

If you fail to conduct yourself in an orderly manner, you could lose some of the concessions regarding Property Division or Custody and Visitation rights for your children. It is important you gather as much divorce court information as possible before going to court so you can present yourself properly.

It doesn't matter how much property division is at stake between you and your spouse, not acting with proper etiquette in front of the judge will only make the proceedings last longer than necessary and could force the Court to decide in unfavorable ways. Divorce proceedings are a difficult time in anyone's life, and poor court etiquette will only make matters worse for both parties involved.

Once you enter the Divorce Court and are seated in front of the Judge, it is important to follow proper divorce court etiquette. There may be instances where you must speak to the judge about particular information. If this occurs, always address the judge as "Your Honor" and thank him or her for allowing you the opportunity to speak. If there is no need for you to articulate in court, then allow your lawyer to do the talking.

Never make the mistake of addressing your spouse in court with a negative remark, especially in front of the Judge. This will only hurt your case, anger the Judge, and possibly impair your settlement. Being as prepared as possible is necessary for your lawyer, but it is also important for you too. Take notes during the proceedings because your family Attorney may not have a chance to jot down information if he or she is speaking to the Judge.

Finally, never bring children to the courtroom with you. This is especially important to remember if either spouse is seeking custody or if you both want joint physical custody of the children. Divorces are difficult enough for children, and making them witness a struggle between their parents could cause unnecessary stress for them.

Even if your lawyer does not have the poise or attitude of Perry Mason, you can still make it through Divorce Court without losing entirely. Your lawyer will be responsible for presenting the Judge with evidence about the property division or any custody and visitation requests.

It is your responsibility to behave properly and address everyone with common courtesy, especially the Judge. Armed with this divorce court information you should be able to go to court and breeze through the proceedings without it resembling some of the celebrity divorces we see in the media.

Starting a New Life After Divorce

Faye B. Roberts

It can be difficult to think about, let alone start a new life after divorce. Whether you were married for several years, or even for just a few months, the emotional trauma you may feel after the papers are signed can affect other aspects of your life as well. Many people feel an emotional barrier after a divorce,but there are ways to overcome these barriers you feel, especially when children are involved. Trying to grow accustomed to having joint physical custody or living under a specific property settlement will no doubt cause you to experience a number of drastic changes. Yet, divorce does not mean the end of life itself, and many individuals do move on and make a new life for themselves and their children. There are ways of overcoming the emotional barriers you feel, especially when children are involved.

Starting a new life with new relationships after divorce is an intimidating process for many people. The ending of your marriage may leave you feeling somewhat vulnerable and inadequate. It can also be extremely difficult for you to suddenly switch from loving someone to feeling either hatred or indifference towards that person. How you cope with life after divorce can also depend on what role you played in the breakup. If you left your spouse, you may feel a sense of control over the situation because the decision was yours but if your spouse left you, feelings of desertion or betrayal may arise. To help overcome these emotions, it is suggested to take time for yourself and focus on things that make you happy. This may require you to reflect back on the marriage to see what your role was in the relationship and answer some difficult questions - did you feel like the marriage was missing something important? - did you often give more emotionally than you received? - did you feel betrayed? Answers to questions of this nature will allow you to come to grips with why the marriage failed and by stepping back and taking some time, you allow emotional wounds to heal before starting a new relationship. Learning about what makes you happy and what your emotional needs are will help you make better decisions about who you choose to open your life to.

Property agreements, custody issues and feelings of desertion can make starting a new life after divorce very difficult. It is necessary to overcome your vulnerable state and the desire to isolate yourself from the rest of the world after your divorce is final. Giving in to negative behaviors will only worsen you chances of finding happiness again. Focusing on your needs and the needs of your children when coping with a divorce is a good place to start. Only after looking at life differently you will find ways to make positive changes.
Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher who has gone through a divorce and has suffered the effects it has on the entire family. Find out how to start enjoying your life again, and allow your children to do the same. The book Divorce and the Family offers simple solutions to a complex problem.
For more info on divorce visit:Divorce and your Family
Discover the Top 10 Tips You Need to Make Sure Your New Relationship Works After a Divorce Click Here for a Free Report

Marriage and Divorce: Like Peas and Carrots

Our grandparents must have a lot of misgivings considering the new attitudes prevalent in society today about marriage and divorce. Gone are the days when "till death do us part", means "till death do us part" for many of us. It appears that "till we have a disagreement" seems more the norm. Often marriage and divorce are mentioned in the same sentence now. More than ever it seems that couples are getting married with the understanding that "if things don't work out there is always divorce". What is it that has taken place in the past decade or so to make divorce seem as common as opening a bank account? Why are so many marriages ending in divorce? Could it be that people today place more emphasis on trying to find a way out of a problem instead of looking for a cure?

Society frequently dictates the actions we take in our lives, especially when it comes to marriage and divorce. Throughout history divorce was not an option. Even King Henry VIII had to start a new church so he could divorce his first wife. History shows us other examples of when divorce was considered taboo as well, when marriage was a lifelong duty. Many fathers would 'gift' or 'sell' their daughters to men they had never met before simply because it made an "agreeable match," securing either wealth, prestige, or both. That match, whether agreeable or not, lasted until the death of one or the other partner. Today things are much different. We no longer sell our female children into marriage of course, but we also see divorce as an easy option if the marriage breaks downs.

Communication is the glue that keeps marriages alive. Sitting together, like peas and carrots on a plate in comfortable silence with your spouse is common for those who are happily married. But when silence exists between you and your spouse because neither of you have anything to say to one another may be an indication that your marriage is in trouble. Positive conversations obviously took place between people before marriage even enter their minds. So what happened once the vows were said that makes couples say negative things to one another or stop communicating completely? Conversations fulfill a need. They create a connection, an opportunity to voice a thought or learn something new. When couples fail to communicate after they are married, shared dreams and desires can be lost and the marriage disintegrates. To create a solid, long lasting marriage, it is important to focus on positive points about your relationship instead of only discussing the negative. This could mean talking about shared interests and desires for the future, or it could simply be letting the other person know how important they are in your life.

Statistics on marriage and divorce rates have become staggering. Some reports reveal that at least forty percent of marriages today will end in divorce. Our society has drastically changed the expectation of marriage, making it far less important than it was a decade ago. The union of two people creating a life together, the vows they shared on their wedding day, their goals and plans, their life together seem to lose their importance as the daily grind of life takes it's toll.

Saving a marriage can be as simple as opening up the lines of communication. It can also be as difficult as overcoming personality differences and making sacrifices for one another. But the bottom line is that marriage takes work and dedication from both parties involved for it to survive.

There are of course very legitimate reasons for divorce. No one should be forced to live in a situation that is harmful, either physically, mentally, or emotionally. However, getting a divorce when the first challenge presents itself seems to be the norm in our society. It appears we are raising a society of people who lump marriage and divorce together in the same sentence and accept it as the norm.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Divorce Filing Forms: What Are They?

Faye B. Roberts

Divorce filing forms or divorce papers are part of the litigation process when two people decide to dissolve their marriage. Either the litigants can file the papers or if they use a lawyer he/she can file the papers. Any type of legal document will have certain standards, especially when it comes to divorce laws for your state or county. Seeking the advice of an attorney will help you in outlining all the things you desire from equity gained in your marriage, including any property or personal belongings, and child custody.

Each state or country has their own guidelines when it comes to divorce filing forms. Before you can proceed with filling out any legal documents, it is wise to get the forms from your government office. There are also web sites that offer divorce filing forms online, but be careful and always double check with an attorney to ensure their validity. Once you have the papers, your next step should be figuring out what your priorities are for the divorce proceeding. This will involve listing the assets you want to take with you, who will be seeking custody of any children involved, and how health insurance and taxation issues will be dealt with during the divorce. This will take some time for contemplation, and your lawyer can guide you through the process. By divulging your goals and letting your lawyer know exactly what you want, he or she will be in a better positioning to bargain for your concessions.

Once you have divided up and listed the assets you want, then you will begin the process of filling out divorce filing forms. These documents have a basic outline, and will have variations when you reach the child custody laws. Having a knowledgeable lawyer is extremely important to be sure the information is correct and concise as with any legal action that is dictated by the laws and requirements of the state or country. A lawyer will also help you obtain the correct documents if your particular jurisdiction has their own variations. The first part of these legal documents that will be filed in court is the name and address of the jurisdiction, the names of the parties involved in the case, and a case number for future court reference. These comprise the "captions," or upper portion of the first page. There is a section called a "notary clause" in these legal documents, which is a sworn statement by a notary public that the filing individual are who they claim to be. When an individual signs a notarized document, they must provide physical proof and swear in front of witnesses about their identity. In some instances, someone other than a lawyer may help you fill out a legal form. There are new stipulations in the papers that requires non-lawyers to disclose themselves to the court so the legal system will know who was involved in filling out the papers.

The Federal government requires individual states to dictate and supply their own forms regarding child custody laws. It is important that you obtain the correct forms before filing for divorce. The type of custody law you should follow will be determined by your own situation. In instances where child custody will be a pressing issue throughout the divorce, it could be worth your while to seek counsel from a child support lawyer, since the majority of battles over child custody revolve around income levels of the custodial parents. When considering how to apply for child custody, the divorcing parents must come to an agreement on whether or not joint legal custody, joint physical custody or sole custody will be sought. Once the custody litigation is understood, divorce proceedings can continue to the next level.

Be completely honest with your lawyer and be sure all your demands are written down and legally documented in your divorce filing forms. The worst thing that happens is for surprises that come out in this procedure. If your attorney is equipped with truthful knowledge they will be ready and able to handle problems when they rise.

Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher who done extensive research on the topic of divorce and divorce related issues.Divorce and the Family is a simple solution to a complex problem. For more info on divorce visit:
Divorce and your Family
To receive a free report on divorce issues click the following link Divorce and Your Family Free Report

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Divorce Rate Skyrockets

Faye B. Roberts

Studies support that the divorce rate is up in America by nearly fifty percent. Our world has changed so much over the years, it is no wonder that the number of divorces have been elevated. Marriages are faced with numerous challenges today, causing an already week relationship to crumble under the difficult times.

In today's society, it is a common occurrence for both men and woman to have full-time jobs. It can become very difficult finding a way of juggling the responsibilities of a family and a career. With so many couples signing divorce settlements, there have been several attempts within the past few years to aid the survival of today's marriages.

If you think about the divorce rate fifty to seventy five years ago, you would find that it was not often considered an option, or even talked about. But today, with divorce rates up so drastically , many people around the world are wondering what is happening in our society.

The reality is that married couples today face many different challenges than they did long ago. To make ends meet it is not uncommon for both the man and woman in a marriage to work outside the home. When children are brought into the picture the pressure and responsibilities only increase.

If the marriage is not good to start with, many couples find themselves not being able to cope with all the outside pressures. But research has proven there are some solutions to lowering the divorce rate, and people all over the country are starting to take notice.

The National Press Club did a study in 2004 to outline how to help reduce America's divorce rate. Called, a "Community Marriage Policy," this study called for clergy members of diverse religious groups in over 100 different counties to combine in their strategy to aid couples in preventing divorce.

The platform encouraged the clergy to collectively coach couples from any religious group so they could give marriage prep classes, suggestions on how to improve upon and strengthen one's marriage, and offer therapy for emergency situations. This down to earth effort has shown that through guidance from these means, couples could find help they needed to face the challenges in their own marriages. The final results of the study showed a decrease in the divorce rate of over seventeen percent for the counties that participated.

The divorce rate in North American is on the rise, but there are perceivable solutions to help control the problem. When engaged couples are properly prepared for marriage maybe we can get back to having fewer divorces and develop more long lasting healthy marriages. When couples are educated with proper information, have dedication and get the skills needed to work through challenging issues, divorce statistics will start to decrease.
Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher who has gone through a divorce and has suffered the effects it has on the entire family. Find out how to start enjoying your life again, and allow your children to do the same. Divorce and the Family is a simple solution to a complex problem.
For more info on divorce visit:
Divorce and your Family

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Finances and Divorce - What You Need To Know

Faye B. Roberts

A divorce process is one of the most stressful, overwhelming experiences you will face in your lifetime. It's hard enough dealing with the present without deciding your financial future by choosing one property settlement over another, but you must be practical.

If you have very few possessions and no children as a result of the marriage the process may be very simple: "You get the kettle and I keep the crock pot", but when children are involved and/or there are considerable assets accumulated throughout the life span of a marriage, many financial decisions must be made that not only take care of immediate family needs, but retirement needs as well.

You should develop detailed monthly household budgets to help avoid post-divorce financial struggles. Prepare yourself with the facts to insure that your finances and your divorce is compatible with a lifestyle that will support both partners.

Gather your financial information as if you were preparing to see a tax advisor or financial planner. Record what assets you have, debts you owe, how much income you have, and how much you spend on a monthly basis. This will help you project you finances into the future. Think about what you want to do when you are divorced. Do you want to stay in your home? Will you go back to school, train for a new job, or is it time to start your own business?

The answers to these questions will have a cost, if not immediately then sometime in the future. Spend time contemplating how you see yourself 10, 15 and 20 years from now. Discover what is truly important when you look at the long-term consequences of your finances and your divorce.

Make sure you can live on the support you will be receiving or what you have to live on after paying support. Do not just accept, "He keeps his pension and she keeps the house", since that leaves her without a retirement income and him without a home.

Also, the impact of taxes can have far reaching implications on all your decisions. Divorce usually involves a tax-free exchange of assets, but taxes affect alimony, child support,capital gains and more. It is very important to consult with a tax advisor before accepting a settlement. The decisions you make now about your finances and divorce may affect you for the rest of your life.

Be honest with your spouse. Do not hide money, over-estimate the value of your property or underestimate the worth of your pension. That will only delay the progress of the divorce and makes it more costly.

Expenses such as life insurance, health insurance and educating any children, as well as the cost of living increases should be projected into the future and taken into consideration when agreeing on a final financial settlement as well. Many people have false expectations that they will be able to secure a divorce that allows them to continue with their accustomed style of living. Statistics have shown that this is not always possible.

To avoid long-term financial pitfalls related to your finances and divorce agreements, both partners should have a pre-planned financial schedule that they can come to an agreement on. With that they can forecast the long-term financial effects of the divorce settlement.

It is far better to develop a long-term forecast for a financial situation than a short-term snapshot. Don't fall into the trap of thinking, "I just want out". Both spouses assumed responsibilities during a marriage and those responsibilities do not necessarily end when the marriage does. Being prepared can alleviate a great amount of financial stress for you and your family in the future.

Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher who has gone through a divorce and has suffered the effects it has on the entire family. Find out how to start enjoying your life again, and allow your children to do the same. Divorce and the Family is a simple solution to a complex problem.
For more info on divorce visit:Divorce and your Family
Discover the Top 10 Tips You Need to Make Sure Your New Relationship Works After a Divorce Click Here for a Free Report

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Legal Grounds For Divorce

Faye B. Roberts

There are two different categories for legal grounds for divorce: "Fault" and "No Fault".

What is "No Fault" divorce?

"No Fault" divorce is when the spouse suing for divorce does not have to prove that his or her spouse did something wrong. Every state recognizes the legal grounds for divorce regardless of who is at fault.

To get a No Fault divorce, the suing spouse just simply states a reason recognized by that state. In most cases, it's enough to say that the couple cannot get along, (these go by the names "incompatibility," or "irreconcilable differences"). In many instances however, the couple must live apart for a period of months or even years in order to get a No Fault divorce. One spouse cannot stop a No Fault divorce. Objecting to a spouse's request for divorce is itself an irreconcilable difference that would justify the divorce. There is a 60 day waiting period before the court grants a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.

It is important to do some research for the state you live in since a No Fault divorce is the only option allowed by a number of states. The other states recognize both a No Fault divorce or a Fault divorce.

What is "Fault" divorce?

Fault divorce is a divorce granted on one of the following:

* cruelty (inflicting emotional or physical pain) - this is the most frequently used grounds for legal divorce
* adultery
* desertion for a specified period of time
* being confined in prison for a set number of years, and
* physically unable to engage in sexual intercourse, if it was not disclosed before marriage.

Some people choose a Fault divorce because they don't want to wait out the period of separation required by their state's law for a No Fault divorce. Also in some states, a spouse who proves the other spouse is at fault may receive a greater share of the marital property or more alimony.

Since the legal grounds for divorce vary from state to state, choose the grounds that applies to your situation and is legal in your state. Use the guidelines below to do your research.

1) Each state has different laws about divorce. Check the laws of your state yourself or talk to an attorney to define what the legal grounds for divorce are in your state.
2) Some states allow divorce based simply on irreconcilable differences. You don't have to give any reason other than that.
3) Realize that in some states it is more (or less) difficult to obtain a divorce.
4) Abandonment by your spouse is legal grounds for divorce in some states. There is usually a time requirement before you can file for divorce.
5) You should give consideration on the way your spouse treats you. Many states allow divorce if there is cruel or inhuman treatment.
6) Legal separation is also grounds for a divorce. Many states have a requirement that you must be legally separated for a specified period of time before you can divorce using separation as a reason
8) Serious consideration should be given when using adultery as legal grounds for divorce. Adultery occurs when one spouse has sexual intercourse with someone else during the marriage. Most states require a lot of proof if using adultery as grounds. This can often be very unpleasant and confrontational.

The information provided is by no means a complete compendium of the legal grounds for divorce, rather a basic framework to begin your research. If both partners are in agreement a divorce can be a simple procedure. If not in agreement, it can become a time consuming, tedious, and expensive procedure. Knowing your rights can help alleviate some of this confusion and expense.
Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher who has gone through a divorce and has suffered the effects it has on the entire family. Find out how to start enjoying your life again, and allow your children to do the same. Divorce and the Family is a simple solution to a complex problem.
For more info on divorce visit:Divorce and your Family
Discover the Top 10 Tips You Need to Make Sure Your New Relationship Works After a Divorce Click Here for a Free Report

Monday, June 4, 2007

Major Reasons Couples Divorce

Faye B. Roberts

Over the past century, the divorce rate has steadily grown in North America and all over the world. Marriage used to be considered a life long commitment but in the modern age nearly half of all marriages fail. Some say it has become a worldwide epidemic. This number is staggering when you think of the number of lives that are affected each and every year. There are several major reasons couples divorce that are consistently common.

Several studies have been done on why people get divorced, but the outcome of these studies have varying conclusions on what the root cause of divorce is. Sometimes the reasons people use for wanting or getting a divorce are purely selfish and have little or no substance. One example of this is not liking the fact that your partner has a jealousy problem. There may be an underlying cause for displaying this emotion. It may be that they suffer with low self esteem or fear of loss.

Major reasons couples divorce or think of ending their marriage:

*Personal beliefs or philosophy conflicts
*Decrease in martial satisfaction
*Desertion by one party
*Abusive behaviour-mental or physical
*Bigamy- not very common
*prison term
*loss of a child, or conflicts on raising them
*Institutionalization, or illness such as alcoholism.
*financial problems
*no longer in love
*lack of communication

If you are thinking about or wanting to terminate your marriage you need to make sure that you have a solid reason that cannot be changed with the proper guidance. You will be doing yourself a disservice if you make the decision with emotions and not fact.

To make a smart decision requires lots of knowledge: do not leap before you think it though. Make a list of why you are no longer want this marriage and be honest with yourself. Go back to your list in a few days and you may be able to scratch off a few reasons if you were in an emotional state rather than a logical frame of mind while doing it. Keep doing this and see if your list shrinks or stays the same. Take your time because making a hasty decision could only end up costing you both emotionally and financially.

So now you have a short list of major reasons couples divorce and some guidelines to follow. Make sure that your situation is unchangeable before you file for a divorce, because once the final papers are signed it is irreversible.

Faye B. Roberts is an independent researcher who has gone through a divorce and has suffered the effects it has on the entire family. Find out how to start enjoying your life again, and allow your children to do the same. Divorce and the Family is a simple solution to a complex problem.
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